​​The daily words belong to Ronja Sakata's word series on InstagramThe sentences are translated from Japanese, the link to the original sentences and to the ​German ​version can be found below.


Do you like Japanese tea? Japanese tea is mostly green tea. There is a variety of teas with different names and flavors.

​Matcha - ​green tea powder

Matcha has a rich ​flavour, and you can ​taste umami and sweetness​.

​Houjicha - roasted green tea

​​​Enjoy the ​savory and refreshing light taste.

​Mugicha - roasted barley tea

Barley seeds are decocted and do not contain caffeine ingredients extracted from common tea leaves.

​Sencha - ​green tea

It has a good balance of sweetness and ​tartness, and is characterized by a refreshing and invigorating​​ taste.

​Kombucha - Kelp tea 

​Kombucha is made by finely chopping dried konbu (kelp) ​and drunken with hot water.

​Genmaicha - brown rice tea

​Enjoy the fragrance of roasted rice and the refreshing taste of bancha (green tea, harvested from the second flush of sencha, between summer and autumn) and sencha.