​​The daily words belong to Ronja Sakata's word series on InstagramThe sentences are translated from Japanese, the link to the original sentences and to the ​German ​version can be found below.


Japanese note: «ichi-go-ichi-e» means «once-in-a-lifetime encounter» and should be cherished as such.


Japanese note: «​​yuitsumuni» means «​one and only», unique.


Japanese note: «​shitasakisanzun» means «eloquence» or «flattery designed to deceive».


​Japanese note: «shikaikeitei» means «​people in the whole world being all brothers​ (and sisters :))»


Japanese note: «三綱 sankou» are the three fundamental bonds (in confucianism: master and servant, father and son, husband and wife), «五常 gojyou» are the five cardinal Confucian virtues (justice, politeness, wisdom, fidelity and benevolence)


​Japanese note: ​«rokkonshujyou» is a Buddhist term and means purification of the six roots of perception.


Japanese note: «shichitenhakki» is an idiomatic expression and means falling seven times, getting up eight times; not giving up and ups and downs in life. 

​All descriptions are quoted from jisho.org.